Workshops & Training Courses

Coming soon in 2024!

Workshops and training courses will be live at different times in 2024. Please keep an eye on social media or register you interest below for further details.

ActiveWellbeing Workshop

Introduction & Personal Aims 
What is wellbeing? 
5 Ways & Nature Connectedness 
Being Present - Mindfulness 
Being Active 
Being Well for Me 
Simple Tools & Breathing 
Next Steps

Duration 50minIn person

Walking for Wellbeing Leader Training

Training programme for individual who wish to lead walking group sessions. This is a unique walk leader course combining practical walk leader training with tools to develop positive wellbeing.

Duration 3hrs
In person with practical element outdoors

ActiveTalk Practitioner Training

Improving mental-health through 1:1 walking programmes. Training for those who wish to deliver ActiveTalk in their locality. 

Walking for Wellbeing Leader Training needs to be completed prior to, or concurrently with this course.
External training courses need to be completed in conjunction with this course; MHFA and Emergency Outdoor First Aid. You will also be required to have a background or current training in education, coaching, mentoring, peer-support, social-prescribing,  counselling or similar.

Duration 7hrs
In person with practical element outdoors