A Personal Journey - Lived Experience

A Personal Journey - Steps to a stronger place

Me - An educator, mental health advocate, lover of sport, music and being outdoors, parent, partner, daughter, sister.

Someone that became 'broken' under the load that was being carried.

My journey through accepting that I was suffering from high functioning anxiety, depression, PTSD, and secondary traumatic stress (compassion fatigue) was a challenging one. One where I had to feel the pain, feel my emotions, be pro-active in supporting myself, make conscious decisions to put myself first - that I was worthy of time, that my self-esteem could be shaped by me, understand what boundaries were and how to manage what I need.

There are many different elements that have helped me get to a place of strength;
Walking Crying Being near Water Jogging Writing Meditation Reading Sleep Family Knowledge  Being Outdoors   Understanding of Self Boundaries Decision Making Honesty Social Connection Acceptance Breathing Courage
Self Compassion Taking Naps Art Team Sport Giving to Others Medication Laughing Dancing Core Values
 Vitamins Music Hydration Talking Sugar Reduction Inspiration  Reframing Negative Thoughts Sunflowers
Nutrition Yellow Wellies Mental Challenges Hugs Purposeful Activity Self Belief Appreciation Active Listening

There isn't a quick fix to improving your mental health. In my experience it takes time, acceptance, perseverance and support from those around you. It is a process that continually evolves as you grow in strength and understanding of yourself. The ways in which I look after myself are always changing as I adapt, learn and face new challenges in my life - however there are consistent themes;  physical activity, time for self, sleep, social connection and purposefulness.

My personal and lived experiences are invaluable in the way that I work with clients; enabling connection and open, honest conversations to find a positive way forward.

Thank you to;
C,C,B-HH, my Family H, GP, my Brizzle Family, NH, SD, LW, & AW for helping me get to a stronger place and founding ActiveBeing. .