Information for Participants

How do I get involved?

Health professional referral
Group Activity Sign Up
Drop In - for monthly walking groups only

Please use the contact form so that we can then share the appropriate referral or sign up form with you which can be completed on a mobile device or electronic device.

Participant Interest

What to expect?

ActiveTalk - A Wellbeing Practitioner will have been in contact prior to the initial session. They will collect you from home, or meet at a convenient location for the walks to take place. Please being a water bottle, wear clothing that is appropriate for the weather and walking on muddy paths / grass.

Group Sessions - Prior to the session you will have been sent information regarding the venue and any specifics about clothing/footwear needed to participate. Leaders will be wearing ActiveBeing Hoodies or t-shirts at the location meeting point. Sessions are relaxed and everyone can work or get involved to a level or pace they feel comfortable with.

Meeting Charlie for the first time was an absolute breath of fresh air. A warm smile & embrace and it felt like my worries had already floated away.
I remember coming away feeling like a huge weight had just been lifted off my back. Little did I know this feeling would continue every week. Every week we met I felt as though a mist that was once a heavy thick fog was lifting away and there was a light shining in the distance.
I had never spoken out loud about personal mental health, cultural/familial barriers, parental struggles, career worries - ever before to anyone - How could I have so easily just done that with a complete stranger?
But this is what Charlie does best - Charlie encompasses you in this safe space where being you & sharing all of you is allowed & encouraged - A concept so alien to me where growing up sharing was not common place.
Charlie listened so attentively and cared in such a way that all the shame I had carried for years over feeling a certain way was accepted.
Our journey is not over & every time we plan a meet I’m filled with joy knowing I’ll come away with clarity and contentment. Thank you Charlie for everything you have done & continue to do.

ActiveTalk Participant, July 2023

Data & Monitoring

We are required to take information on equalities, diversity and inclusion purposes. On sign up will also take data about general wellbeing and health conditions. To monitor impact and progress we will ask participants to complete pre and post programme questionnaires.