Impact of our Programmes

ActiveBeing programmes have consistently been shown to improve client mental wellbeing, and there are many incredible personal stories and feedback from the women who have been involved.
The ActiveTalk programme has shown an 100% improvement in mental wellbeing.

*Participant profiles and impact information provide below is based on data July 2022-July 2023.

WaterWellbeing Participant Sep 2022

I joined the group thinking I would not be able to stand on the board, for paddle boarding and I did on the first week. It has really helped my well being as I’m a full time carer for my partner after he had a stroke and also have two young children. I really looked forward to our sessions as it’s a me time. It has made me a lot more confident to try new things and also to be able to talk to people about how we were feeling. Absolutely loved this.

ActiveTalk Client March 2022

It has made me leave the house, and being in nature has had a calming effect on me and made me want to open up more. Sometimes I wouldn't of left the house or spoken with anyone of it wasn't for this.